I wish makeup doesn't expire right ? I wish I could keep this favorite pallete of mine forever because I need it in my life ! Or this lipstick looks good on me I wish I could keep it for a long time. Sorry girls, Sad truth is that makeup's has its own life span. Some girls including myself , doesn't pay much attention or ignores the expiration dates . I mean we saw it but we have this words on mind that, as long as it still looks good and I secured its lock and placed properly right ? But there still, were things on mind . Like , maybe this isn't right to be applied anymore, because its been a while since I had this. But little did I know that certain things like bacteria could grow in the makeup . And if I'm applying it, I'm allowing bacteria on my face. I'd like to share with you when to toss out and why we need to toss out makeups when its beyond its expiration date.
Below is a chart on when to toss that type of makeup out :
We likely tend to keep our favorite shades of makeups because we need it. Like , why not get a new one , that's the same shade with that one ? Some girls, who particularly puts themselves in hectic budgets ,don't have the money for a new one. Or maybe that type of brand and makeup has its new lines and crossed out the same one you like and had. These are just some of the reasons why some girls uses small amount of their makeup or keep it til its all out.
1. Bacteria grows
You might be thinking what ? bacteria ?, Every time I apply makeup on I always make sure that I washed my face and hands. And I clean my applicators weekly so , why do I have to worry ?. Well, you are so wrong . Bacteria is everywhere . Ill give you an example , where bacteria can grow and occur . And one is in your make up.From the moment you open and expose makeup to air, its exposed to bacteria. Then you dab your applicator and apply it on your face. It seems like you let the bacteria on your face. There are chemicals included in makeups, that would preserve it and help them last longer. And fight bacteria from air and applicators. . But as the time comes, when its expiration comes the preservatives that helps fight bacteria also come off. Natural makeups doesn't use preservatives and might expire faster, but they're also better for skin, so don't trade it .
2. Problems caused by using expired makeups
- Acne - Swelling- Redness - Rashes
- Dry patches - Sun damage (SPF of the product tends to effect less)
- Excessive oiliness
* You see what I mean about expired makeups ?
3. Applying it beyond its expiration date
Like as what I said earlier , girls ignore the expiration rules. Because of different types of reason. But it is really a serious thing to follow it the rules and use common sense. Like if you've noticed that your makeup changed , like ,* If it still smells the way, on how it used to
* If its color had changed
*If its texture had changed
* If it still feels the same way , when on your skin
* If its drier or watery than before
* Above , I had given a chart which you can use as basis .On when to toss that type of makeup out. So, you would prevent yourself from facing types of problems especially on your face. As girls, we should take good care of ourselves and that includes the types of products we apply on . Because , it could also be a reason to cause some problems. That would lead to worst problems and you'd end up regretting. Have knowledge and share it with others. Be an example of a BeaYOUtiful You. XoXo